Thursday, April 10, 2008

Famous Amos

My godchild Tiana's birthday is coming up this weekend (turning five!). So I bought some more books for her as a gift--The Red Balloon, The Story of Ferdinand, Harold and the Purple Crayon, a weird and wonderful Maurice Sendak-illustrated obscurity called A Hole is to Dig: A First Book of First Definitions, and finally this gem pictured above.

Experimental cinephiles will recognize Amos Vogel as founder of Cinema 16, early shaper of the New York Film Festival and author of the definitely not-for-kids-book Film As a Subversive Art. Sendak also did artwork for advertisements for Cinema 16's children's shows. Kino-geeks take note: one of the stores on the street is called "Marcia's"--no doubt after Marcia Vogel, Amos's wife and co-runner of Cinema 16--and the film society itself hangs its shingle a little ways down the block!

1 comment:

GENTLERIDEVAN is the home of Andrea Grover, curator, artist, writer, etc. said...

I am so happy to learn of the Amos Vogel/Maurice Sendak children's book. I can't imagine a book better tailored to my kids, born and raised in a microcinema. You're a nice god father.